AVL Trees, Splay Trees and Amortized Analysis
AVL Trees
- Target: Speed up searching (with insertion and deletion)
- Tool: Binary search trees
- Problem: Although , but the height can be as bad as
[Definition] An empty binary tree is height balanced. If is a nonempty binary tree with and as its left and right subtrees, then is height balanced if and only if
- and are height balanced, and
- where and are the heights of and , respectively.
Note: The height of an empty tree is defined to be -1, and the height of a single node is defined to be 0.
[Definition] The balance factor . In an AVL tree, .
Single Rotation
RR Rotation
LL Rotation
Double Rotation
LR Rotation
RL Rotation
- Single Rotation中RR对应一次逆时针,LL对应一次顺时针
- Double Rotation中从后往前读,R对应一次逆时针,L对应一次顺时针
- LR先逆时针再顺时针
- RL先顺时针再逆时针
Note: Several bf’s might be changed even if we don’t need to reconstruct the tree.
The correct answer is A.
The height of AVL Tree
Splay Trees
- Target: Any consecutive tree operations starting from an empty tree take at most time.
Note: AVL Tree is a kind of Splay Tree because every operation takes time.
- Splay Tree only means that the amortized time is . A single operation might still take time.
- The bound is weaker. But the effect is the same: There are no bad input sequences.
- Whenever a node is accessed, it must be moved to avoid the case of successive operations taking time.
- Idea: After a node is accessed, it is pushed to the root by a series of AVL tree rotations.
A simple solution
Only use single rotation
The time complexity of the worst case might be , so it doesn’t work.
Note: The operation order of one Zig-zig is from up to down.
- Splaying not only moves the accessed node to the root, but also roughly halves the depth of most nodes on the path.
- Step1: Find X and X will be at the root
- Step2: Remove X and there will be two subtrees and
- Step3: $FindMax ( T_L ) $ and the largest element will be the root of , and has no right child
- Step4: Make the right child of the root of
Amortized Analysis 摊还分析
- Target: Any consecutive operations take at most time. — Amortized time bound
- worst-case bound amortized bound average-case bound
- Probability is not involved in amortized bound
- 摊还分析可以保证最坏情况下每个操作的平均性能
Aggregate analysis 聚合分析
- Idea: Show that for all , a sequence of operations takes worst-case time in total. In the worst case, the average cost, or amortized cost, per operation is therefore .
- We can pop each object from the stack at most once for each time we have pushed it onto the stack
Accounting method 核算法
Idea: When an operation’s amortized cost exceeds its actual cost , we assign the difference to specific objects in the data structure as credit. Credit can help pay for later operations whose amortized cost is less than their actual cost.
The difference between aggregate analysis and accounting method is that the later one assumes that the amortized costs of the operations may differ from each other
For all sequences of operations, we have
Potential method 势能法
- Idea: Take a closer look at the credit :
- id defined to be the structure of the current situation
- Potential function maps the current structure of the problem into a number
- A good potential function should always assume its minimum at the start of the sequence
Splay Trees势能分析
势能函数是树中所有节点的 rank 之和
其中指的是子树中的节点数(包括节点),用表示节点 的 rank,
- zig
- 实际成本是一次单旋,为1
- 只有 和 的 rank 值有变化,故
- 节点 由根节点变为非根节点,故,因此
- zig-zag
- zig-zig
- 实际成本是两次单旋,为2
- 操作前是根节点,操作后是根节点,rank相同,故
- [Theorem] The amortized time to splay a tree with root at node is at most .